FloodAlert the ultimate mobile application for flood preparedness
Get early warnings for flood prone areas and an estimated water depth to help you navigate safely during heavy rainfalls or land acquisition.

Number One in the Market
Providing exciting features
Flood Prone Zones
Discover flood prone areas near you. Just search and it will be revealed.
Flood Water Depth
Get an estimated flood water depth in flood prone areas
Flood Navigation
Navigate away from flooded regions during heavy rainfalls
Flood Warning
Get real-time flood alerts synced with real time weather forecasts

Core features
Smart flood mapping informs you of flood zones even before it happens
Flood mapping
Flood-inundated areas have been mapped using a combination of satellite data, remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis
Water Depth Estimation
Estimating flood water depth based on an inundation map, sea water level and a digital elevation model (DEM)
Flood Preparedness
What it means for you
Flood Awareness
Safety must be your priority. Therefore, We help make you aware of the danger, empowering you to respond to the treat of flood.
Excape Floody Roadway
No matter how experienced you are, it is difficult to asses water depth. We give you estimated water depth to help you navigate on floody roadways and avoid sinking your vehicle or crashing
Save your Properties
Floods are the leading cause of natural disaster losses. Property damage resulting from flooding can create hardships and become costly. Flood alert app is here to save properties from beign swept by flood
Save Lives
Flood Alert system is in place to save lives. We implore you to remember that there is nowhere you need to be that’s so important it is worth risking your life. When you get a flood alert, do not hesitate to response. It means your life.
Guided Decision making
Victims of flood waters often are not acting irresponsibly. Sometimes they are unsure of the depth and speed of the water. With Flood Alert, we help you gauge for yourself what is safe with confidence
Flood Resilient Measures
Where flood resistant measures are not appropriate, it may be possible to change features of the property so that they are resistant to permanent damage of flood. With flood zones, sandbags can be placed as flood barriers to save properties and lives.
Helping a world sail away from flood disasters
Climate change, which is worsening extreme rainfall in many storms, is an increasingly important part of flood disasters. Flash floods, in particular, can develop anywhere that experiences intense rainfall over a short period of time. Be prepared anywhere anytime.

Secret Source
Let’s see how it works
Compute Flood Prone Zones
Using satellite data and geospatial analysis, flood zones are calculated and aggregated to estimate flood prone zones.
Estimate Flood Depth
Using Flood prone areas, digital elevation model and other geospatial techniques, flood depth is estimated.
Real-Time Weather Reports
With integrated real-time wether reports, we get wether conditions at your current location.
Alert and Navigation
Gets your current location, direction and weather condition to trigger an alert, notifying you of possible flooded areas when raining and navigating within the app.

AI and Geospatial technigues for flood prediction
Artificial intelligence
Making flood predictions using AI from petabyte historical flood datasets

Geospatial Techniques
Using satellite data to map the location, time and severity of flood
Get App Now
Experience it

Monthly access to flood prone areas

Computed monthly flood water depth

Navigation and routing feature through flood

Instant flood alert and notification
Looking at the world
Providing flood alert to the following countries
Subscribe and experience it
Free Plan
For Everyone
- Ads
- Flood Predictions
- Flood prone areas
- Flood water depth
- Weather forecast at your location
- Navigation and routing feature through flood
- Instant flood alert and notification
- Community Forum
Premium Features
For pros
Starting at
- Ads
- Flood Predictions
- Updated Flood prone areas
- Updated Flood water depth
- Weather forecast at your location
- Navigation and routing feature through flood
- Instant flood alert and notification
- Community Forum
Our Stories
Floods have large social consequences for communities, individuals and governments. The impacts of flooding include loss of human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases. In recent years, the occurrences of floods have doubled or even tripled causing damage to roads, homes and businesses.
Our mission is to use artificial intelligence and remote sensing techniques on satellite images to mitigate the impact of floods. Using advanced satellite image processing and techniques, we seek to mitigate flood by making predictions using AI, to mark spots that are prone to floods and providing early warning signals to governments, NGOs, disaster relieve initiatives, and people living in flood prone areas to be prepared for floods, save lives and properties.
Our mission is to use artificial intelligence and remote sensing techniques on satellite images to mitigate the impact of floods. Using advanced satellite image processing and techniques, we seek to mitigate flood by making predictions using AI, to mark spots that are prone to floods and providing early warning signals to governments, NGOs, disaster relieve initiatives, and people living in flood prone areas to be prepared for floods, save lives and properties.
Get your question's answer
Frequently asked question
Is the app on App store?
We are building the floodalert app for apple platform and will soon be made available on app store.
App crashes after installation, how to fix this?
We are continuously updating and fixing bugs in our system. Check out for updates in the store
Does the app currently make predictions about flood?
We are building a system for flood prediction using Artificial Intelligence. We hope to include this feature as soon as possible.
Do you have plans to work with NGOs and Disaster Relieve iniatives?
Yes. We plan to partner with NGOs and Disaster Releive iniatives or other organisations that help with flood awareness.